Sharing Stories

Studying, learning and growing.

We believe everyone has the capacity to grow, learn and develop. When given the chance, and with the right support, we can all thrive!

Andrew* is in his early 20’s, a gym-goer, swimmer and active man. He was attending a disability day program full time, and was becoming increasingly withdrawn and frustrated in this environment. He was seeking something different; an opportunity to learn, grow and do something he loves outside of the segregated disability space.

The LMC Group met with Andrew every week exploring the things he loved to do and was good at. Through this work, it was identified that Andrew was interested in having a career in the health/fitness sector. Andrew and his mentor spent time networking and meeting with others in the sector, developing his resume and applying for jobs.

The LMC Group supported Andrew to gain a First Aid Certificate to work in a gym or aquatic centre. Andrew attended a Specialist School and had never completed a certificate like this before, so this was a big deal for Andrew! His mentor worked together with Andrew and his family to develop suitable course material and prepare Andrew for the task. A personalised study guide was created so that information was presented in a way that was meaningful to him.

The LMC Consultant also networked with people, to find a suitable tutor to help Andrew complete his studies.

Through this, Andrew connected with a qualified First Aid Instructor who became his tutor. As she knew the course so well, she was able to explain it to him and provide first aid equipment so Andrew could practice and refine his skills.

After 6 months of studying and role playing, Andrew and his mentor attended the first aid course together. After all his practice and preparation, Andrew aced the course and received a certificate of completion. He shared a bottle of champagne with his family over dinner to celebrate!!

Since completing the First Aid Course, Andrew has applied his learnings in many real settings. He has gained paid work at a local Sports and Aquatic Centre, and he is now about to complete a Certificate in Sport and Recreation. He no longer attends the Disability Day Program.

*Name has been changed to protect persons privacy

Learn more about our approach to helping individuals learn and develop new skills