What we do.

Social and civic participation– guiding you to volunteer, attend and support local community opportunities as active citizens

Relationship building– helping you to foster genuine, mutual and freely given relationships

Career pathways– exploring open and customised employment; establishing your own microbusiness

Living in your own unique home– planning and setting up individual living options (ILOs) such as homeshare arrangements

Studying and learning– increasing your skills, knowledge and competencies to deepen your roles

Self-directing sustainable supports– fulfilling your preferences in who supports you, when and how

Funding supports– assisting you to obtain, budget and invest funding via NDIS and Centrelink

We also offer

  • Adhoc consultation, guidance and support
  • Regular contact with you and your network
  • Monthly progress reports
  • Facilitating planning meetings
  • Access to up to date information and resources
  • Focus groups and information sessions