Sharing Stories

Volunteering and contributing.

Giving back your time, skills and energy to the community is so important. Its about helping others and feeling a sense of purpose and meaning in what you do.

Noah* has always been a blokey-man; he loves going to the gym, for a bike ride and fixing things. He was determined to find a way to meet new people who shared his interests.

After meeting weekly with The LMC Group, explorations of his love of bikes, and skills in fixing things, led to the idea of him becoming a Bike Repairer. After careful researching and planning, to Noah’s surprise, there was a volunteer-driven Bike Repairs Centre just down the road.

It is amazing to see all the wonderful opportunities within a close by community when you just start to look…

Noah and his LMC mentor made contact with this small organisation and set up a face to face catch up. Noah was welcomed into the centre and embraced as a volunteer. To ensure he was able to fulfil his job requirements, his LMC consultant also worked to connect him with a to mentor to support him to thrive in the role. Turns out, there was a perfect candidate already working at the centre who was happy to help.

After almost 12 months, Noah and his co-volunteer Bike Repairer ride into the centre together every week, and work side by side helping fix broken bikes. Noah enjoys spending his lunch breaks connecting with the other volunteers and sharing a laugh.

This volunteer work experience culminated in Noah gaining his dream job as a part time employee at a local bike shop. We hope the wheels in this adventurous ride continue!

*Name has been changed to protect persons privacy

Learn more about our approach to helping individuals connecting with their local community.